ROI - Return on Investment

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 10 Oct, 2023 12:26 PM IST


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ROI is most relevant to your business goals when it refers to something solid and measurable, such as identifying the gains and financial returns of your investment. The most common way is to analyse investments in terms of monetary cost because it is the easiest to measure, but it is also possible to compute ROI using time as an investment.

The ROI measure or ROI statistic is also used in a variety of ventures and industries, including return on equity, return on ad spend, return on assets, social return on investment, and so on.


Understanding ROI: An Introduction to The Concept

So, what is ROI? In reality, ROI is a valuable business approach that identifies the investment's financial returns and gains. Evaluating investments considering the financial expense is a great tactic since it's best to quantify. But one can also compute the ROI amount using time.

Simply put, the ROI metric or figure is applied to various types of investments & industries. Some of them include the following:

•        Return on equity
•        Return on assets
•        Social return on investment
•        Return on ad spend and more

ROI is a prominent metric owing to its simplicity and versatility. ROI gets used as the fundamental gauge of any investment profitability. It might be the ROI a firm expects on expanding its factory, stock investment, or the one generated in the real estate business.

How to Calculate Return on Investment (ROI): Steps to Follow

Now that you know what is return on investment – it is time to learn how to calculate it. Return on investment is computed as the overall net profit during a particular time divided by the investment's expense. The amount then gets multiplied by 100. That's how it expresses the ratio as the amount in percentage. The equation for calculating the mount is given in the following:

ROI = (Net Profit divided by the investment) multiply it with 100
So, ROI= (next profit/investment)x100
The next profit value is taken from an establishment P&L (profit and loss) statement.

The Perks Of ROI: What Are The Multiple Benefits Of ROI?

Calculating the ROI of a company holds supreme importance. It is beneficial because of the following reasons:

•        An Intuitive and User-Friendly Formula – The formula simplifies the calculation. So, there are fewer chances of mistakes while calculating the returns of the investment plan.
•        Extremely easy to measure profitability – The amount helps calculate the profitability of a company's investment plan.
•        Compares Different Investment Plans – The formula helps compares various investment plans within a company.
•        A Financial Metric that Won Global Acceptance – This ROI formula has been rewarded globally. Today, it is a common formula widely accepted across the world.
•        Assists in Selecting the Right Plan – It analyses the most effective plan that incurs maximum returns considering the investment expenses.

Are There Any Alternatives to ROI?

The IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is an effective measure considering the ROI alternatives. This measure encompasses the cash flow over an investment's lifespan. Moreover, it is expressed as the annual percentage growth rate.

This metric considers the cash flow's timing. It is a preferred measure of return in top-notch industries. The best example of a sophisticated industry incorporating this metric is private equity & venture capital.
Other ROI alternatives are Return on Assets or ROA and Return on Equity or ROE. These ratios do not consider the cash flow's timing. Note that they simply represent the annual rate of return. In addition, they are specified, unlike the general ROI, because the denominator here is more specific.

An Overview of the Limitations of ROI

ROI calculations aren't always clear and straightforward. A few investments may overlap. So, determining investments that generate the most profits might become challenging. Suppose an entrepreneur has spent on social media ads. They would not understand whether a single platform contributed to their returns. They might have other investments.

So, there are times when ROI may fail to reflect the overall value of money. In addition, comparing ROIs also becomes hard since a few investments take a longer timeframe to generate profits.

What Are The Recent Developments in ROI?

In recent years, a few businesses and investors have appreciated the practice of developing new forms of return on investments. SROI, as they call it, was developed in the late 90s. To explain in brief, SROI is a social return on investment that evaluates a broader impact of projects via extra-financial value. That means environmental and social metrics do not really are reflected in traditional financial accounts.

SROI assists in evaluating the value proportion of ESG or Environmental Social and Governance criteria used in SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) practices. Suppose a firm decides to recycle water in its factory and replace the lighting with LED lights. This move costs an instant expense that may negatively impact the conventional ROI. But, the overall benefit to the environment and society may lead to a positive social return on investment.

Also, there are several ROI variations available in today's world. They have been developed for specified purposes. Social media statistics ROI identifies the efficacy of these campaigns. It includes assessing the number of likes or clicks generated for a particular unit of effort. On the other hand, marketing statistics ROI identifies the return attributable to marketing or advertising campaigns.

What Is a Good ROI?

The financial requirement is the most significant aspect of determining a good return on investment. Let's take the example of a young couple who invests in paying for their infant's basic needs. A good ROI will be the one abling their initial & ongoing investments to grow and pay for their child's basic expenses in the future.
Simply put, a good ROI depends on several factors. A significant parameter influencing the amount is the investor's risk tolerance, while time for generating the return is another factor. Investors who love to take risks will accept a lower return on investment in exchange for fewer risks. Similarly, investments that take longer to pay requires a higher ROI. That's how it can grab an investor's attention.

Which Industries Have the Maximum ROI?

During 2020, a wide range of technology companies generated an annual return above the 10% threshold. In the meantime, companies in other sectors, like energy companies, generated lower ROIs. In general, the average ROI for S&P 500 is around 10% every year. But within that range, a few variations are considered based on the industry type. Here is the tabulated list of industries that have the highest ROI so far:


ROI by Industries



 Energy Sector

24.17 %


 Technology Sphere

20.77 %


 The Industry of Capital Goods

16.97 %


 The Domain of Basic Materials

15.40 %


 Consumer Non-Cyclical

13.88 %


 Healthcare Sector

9.77 %


 Transportation Hub

8.89 %


Over the years, the average ROI of any industry may likely shift because of several factors, including improved competition, shifts in consumer preferences, and technological alterations.

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