Participating Preference Shares

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 10 Oct, 2023 11:26 AM IST


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Participating preference shares are often referred to as "preferred stock." They are a unique class of equity investments that offer the stability of fixed dividends and the potential for additional profits. They are used to attract investors who want some safety when desiring participation in the company's growth. Preferred shareholders have a priority claim on company earnings. They receive dividends before common shareholders. Know more about the participating preference shares by reading the blog.


What are the participating preference shares?

Participating preference shares represent a distinct class of equity ownership in a corporation. They combine the elements of both debt and equity. These shares offer investors a preferred position in terms of dividend payouts. Before common shareholders receive any dividends, participating preference shareholders are entitled to a fixed dividend amount. This fixed dividend provides a level of income stability. These participating preference shares have a "participation" feature that differentiates them from other investments. When a company generates excess profits, participating preference shareholders have the opportunity to receive additional dividends.


Understanding participating preference shares

To understand participating preference shares, knowing their benefits and the process involved in obtaining one is essential. 


Many benefits have been associated with participating in preference shares. These are below mentioned- 

  • Priority Dividends: Participating preferred stockholders have a priority claim on dividends over common shareholders. They receive a fixed dividend rate, providing a safer income stream.
  • Participation in Profits: Participating preferred shares have the ability to participate in the company's profits beyond the fixed dividend. If the company performs exceptionally well and generates surplus profits, then participating preferred shareholders can receive additional dividends. 



The process of getting participating preference shares is below mentioned-

  • Issuance: A company issues participating preferred stock through a formal offering. The terms and conditions of participation include the fixed dividend rate and the percentage of additional participation. They are specified in the stock's prospectus or offering documents.
  • Dividend Distribution: The holders of participating preferred shares receive their fixed dividends regularly. This is usually every quarter. These dividends are paid out before any dividends are distributed to common stockholders.
  • Participation Trigger: The participation feature comes into play when the company generates excess profits. These are often defined as profits exceeding a certain threshold. If such profits are achieved, the investors of participating preferred shares receive additional dividends calculated as a percentage of the ordinary stock dividends.
  • Calculation: The exact calculation of the additional dividends can vary based on the terms of the participating preferred shares. It is crucial for investors to understand these terms to determine their potential additional returns.


Example of participating preferred stock

Let's illustrate how participating preferred stock works with an example. Suppose you decide to invest in a company by purchasing participating preferred shares. These shares come with a predetermined fixed dividend rate, ensuring you receive a consistent income from your investment.

Imagine the company experiencing remarkable success, leading to surplus profits beyond what's required to pay the fixed dividends to preferred shareholders, including you. In such a scenario, participating preferred shareholders become eligible for an additional share of the profits. This extra share is typically determined as a percentage of the ordinary stock dividends.

In essence, as an investor in participating preferred stock, you enjoy the security of predictable dividends and have the opportunity to reap rewards from the company's outstanding performance. It's a beneficial arrangement that combines stability with the potential for extra earnings, making participating preferred stock an appealing choice for those looking to strike a balance between dependable income and the chance for additional returns.


In conclusion, participating preferred stock offers stability through fixed dividends and the potential for extra returns when a company does exceptionally well. It's a valuable option for those seeking a balanced wealth-building approach, offering the best income security and profit participation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Participating preference shares offer extra dividends in good times, while non-participating preference shares receive fixed dividends.

They are called "participating" because they allow shareholders to make extra profits during a company's success.

In company law, participating preference shares grant shareholders the right to share in surplus profits.

Participating preference shares offer fixed dividends with potential extras, while ordinary shares lack fixed dividends and have more risk and reward based on company performance.