What is Nasdaq?

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 17 May, 2024 11:51 AM IST


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Nasdaq is  a revolutionary stock exchange that has not only transformed the trading landscape but also served as a magnet for innovative, high-tech companies. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Nasdaq, exploring its inception, electronic trading systems, and impact on modern financial markets. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of the world's second-largest stock exchange and uncover the secrets behind its enduring success.

What is Nasdaq?

Wondering what is the full meaning of nasdaq? Nasdaq, which stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, is the world's second-largest stock and securities exchange, headquartered in New York City. Founded in 1971, it was the first exchange to introduce electronic trading systems, enabling trades to happen electronically through dealers known as 'market makers.' 

When asking, "What is Nasdaq stock?" One is referring to shares of companies that are traded on the Nasdaq stock exchange, known for its focus on high-tech and innovative firms. Nasdaq is particularly popular among tech-oriented businesses, including giants like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Meta (formerly Facebook), and Starbucks. The exchange lists stocks from various industries, and its equities are often more volatile compared to those traded on other exchanges, presenting attractive investment opportunities for investors.

How Does Nasdaq Work?

Nasdaq operates as an electronic, dealer-based market, where trades are executed through a network of market makers instead of a centralised location like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Here's an overview of how Nasdaq works:

1.    Electronic trading: Nasdaq was the first exchange to introduce electronic trading, which means that buy and sell orders are matched electronically without the need for physical trading floors. This automated system enables faster and more efficient trade execution.
2.    Market makers: In the Nasdaq system, market makers are essential to maintaining liquidity and stability. These are firms or individuals responsible for buying and selling a specific stock at the quoted bid and ask prices. They stand ready to buy or sell shares to ensure smooth trading and to narrow the spread between the bid and ask prices. There can be multiple market makers for a single stock, promoting competition and better pricing.
3.    Bid-ask spread: The difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept (ask) is known as the bid-ask spread. Market makers profit from this spread by buying at the bid price and selling at the ask price.
4.    Listing requirements: Companies that wish to list their securities on Nasdaq must meet specific financial and regulatory requirements, such as a minimum number of shareholders, market capitalization, and financial disclosures. These requirements ensure the quality and credibility of the listed companies.
5.    Trading hours: Nasdaq is open for trading between 9:30 am and 4:00 pm Eastern Time, with additional pre-market and after-hours trading sessions available for investors.

A Tech Behemoth

With its electronic trading system and focus on cutting-edge technology, Nasdaq has attracted some of the largest and most influential technology companies in the world. The exchange is home to high-tech software, computer, internet, and biotechnology companies, although it also caters to various other industries. Some notable stocks listed on Nasdaq include Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Meta (formerly Facebook), and Alphabet (Google). By hosting these rapidly evolving and growth-oriented companies, Nasdaq plays a significant role in shaping the technology landscape and driving economic growth.

The inner workings

Nasdaq was designed to provide automated quotations, which replaced the traditional manual process of matching buy and sell orders. This electronic system streamlined trading and improved the speed and efficiency of transactions. Since its inception, Nasdaq has facilitated OTC trading, allowing companies not listed on traditional exchanges to trade their securities. This feature has made Nasdaq a popular choice for smaller and growth-oriented companies seeking access to capital markets. By combining an electronic trading system with the active participation of market makers, Nasdaq has created a dynamic, transparent, and efficient marketplace for investors and listed companies.

How to list scrips on Nasdaq?

To list a company's securities on Nasdaq, the company must meet the following requirements:

●    At least 100,000 shares of public float
●    Total assets of $4,000,000
●    Shareholders' equity of at least $2,000,000
●    At least two dealers/market makers
●    A company's stock must have a minimum bid price of $3 to be listed on the Nasdaq.
●    To list on the Nasdaq, a company must have a minimum public float market value of $1,000,000.
●    Registered with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)
The application process can take up to six weeks for approval. Once approved, the company will be listed in one of Nasdaq's three market tiers: Global Select Market, Global Market, or Capital Market.

What is the Nasdaq Composite Index, and how to invest in it?

The Nasdaq Composite Index represents a stock market index that includes stocks traded on the Nasdaq stock exchange. The index includes a wide range of companies, with a focus on technology and growth-oriented firms. To be listed in the Nasdaq Composite Index, a stock must meet specific eligibility criteria such as being listed exclusively on the Nasdaq market and representing a common individual company stock.

The most effective way to invest in the Nasdaq Composite Index is through an index fund, which is a type of mutual fund that tracks the performance of the index. These funds offer investors diversified exposure to the companies listed on the Nasdaq exchange.

How to invest in Nasdaq from India?

Indian investors can invest in Nasdaq-listed stocks in two ways:

●    Through Mutual funds: Many Indian mutual funds invest in US stocks, including those listed on Nasdaq. Investors can research and select mutual funds that offer exposure to these stocks. Keep in mind that these funds may charge a management fee for their services.

●    Direct investment in US stocks: Some Indian brokers have tie-ups with US-based brokers that can facilitate direct investment in Nasdaq-listed stocks. Investors can also open a trading account with an overseas broker to access the US markets directly. Numerous platforms offer this service, making it easier than ever for Indian investors to participate in the global markets.


Nasdaq meaning refers to the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, an electronic stock exchange known for listing technology and growth-oriented companies. It stands as a revolutionary stock exchange that has reshaped the trading landscape by introducing electronic trading systems and attracting innovative, high-tech companies. With a focus on technology and growth-oriented firms, Nasdaq plays a significant role in shaping the global technology landscape and driving economic growth. 

The electronic trading system, combined with the active participation of market makers, creates a dynamic, transparent, and efficient marketplace for investors and listed companies. By understanding the intricacies of Nasdaq, investors can gain valuable insights into the world's second-largest stock exchange and explore the vast opportunities it presents.

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Frequently Asked Questions

NASDAQ trading hours are from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. Additionally, pre-market and after-hours trading sessions are available for investors who wish to trade outside regular hours.

The primary difference between the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India and Nasdaq is their location and listed companies. NSE is based in India and lists Indian companies, while Nasdaq is based in the United States and mainly lists technology and growth-oriented companies from around the world.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow) is a price-weighted stock market index that tracks 30 large, established US companies. Nasdaq, on the other hand, is a stock exchange that lists a broader range of companies, with a focus on technology and growth-oriented firms. The Nasdaq Composite Index is a market-capitalization-weighted index that tracks the performance of all companies listed on the Nasdaq exchange.

Nifty, the index representing the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India, is not directly dependent on Nasdaq. However, global market trends, including those from Nasdaq, can influence investor sentiment and impact the performance of Indian stocks and indices like Nifty.

No, you cannot buy shares on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and sell them on Nasdaq. Shares listed on BSE are traded only on that exchange, and shares listed on Nasdaq are traded exclusively on Nasdaq. To trade shares on different exchanges, you must buy and sell them separately through brokers who have access to those specific markets.