Group Term Life Insurance

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 08 Feb, 2024 12:47 PM IST


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Group Term Life Insurance is a valuable insurance option. It is a form of life insurance that offers coverage to a group of individuals, typically provided by an employer to its employees. In this article, we'll break down what it is, making it easy for you to grasp the concept. From how it works, and its advantages, and disadvantages to eligibility criteria and tax implications, we've crafted this guide to help you. Whether you're an employer considering it as a benefit for your team or an individual seeking coverage, this resource will provide a clear understanding of its benefits and potential drawbacks. 

What is Group Term Life Insurance?

Group Term Life Insurance (GTL) is a type of life insurance that provides coverage to a group of people under a single plan. It's commonly offered by employers to their employees as part of their benefits package. In this setup, the employer holds the master policy and extends coverage to all eligible members of the group.

The main purpose of GTL is to provide financial protection to the loved ones of an insured individual in the unfortunate event of their death during the policy term. For example, if a company offers GTL to its employees, the employees are covered as long as they remain with the company.

GTL tends to be more cost-effective than individual policies, making it an attractive option for employers to include in their benefits package. However, it's crucial to understand that coverage typically ends when an individual leaves the employer or when the policy term concludes. If someone leaves their job, they may have the option to convert their group coverage into an individual policy, but this conversion can come with higher premiums.

GTL provides a collective safety net for a group of individuals, ensuring financial support for their families in case of an unforeseen loss.

How Group Term Life Insurance Plan Work?

Are u wondering about the meaning of group term life insurance and how it works? In the context of employer-employee group term insurance, the employer acts as the master policyholder and provides life insurance coverage to employees through a single master policy. For companies, the coverage amount is often linked to the employee's salary or loan amount. If tied to salary, the life coverage is typically a multiple of the annual salary, such as one or two times the annual salary. The employer usually covers the entire premium, but in some cases, a portion may be deducted from the employee's salary.

Premium amounts vary based on factors like organization size, number of employees, and average employee age. Additional options include adding riders for accidental death, critical illness, and terminal illness to enhance coverage. Employers can also choose to settle employees' home or car loans in the event of their demise, adding further financial protection.

Eligibility for Group Term Life Insurance

GTL is accessible to various groups, including employer-employee groups, non-employer employee groups, SMEs, microfinance institutions, banks, non-banking financial institutions, professional groups, and startups. It serves as an affordable solution for organizations to offer employees financial security in case of death, aiding in talent retention and recruitment.

Employees benefit by receiving valuable coverage, showcasing an employer's commitment to their well-being. Individual plans within Group Term policies allow someone to buy coverage for others, like family members, who might not be inclined to purchase individual policies.

To obtain group term life insurance, check if your employer provides it, compare prices from different providers, and consult your employer's HR department for enrollment. Consider additional coverage if needed, understand the policy terms, and review and update coverage periodically to align with changing life circumstances.

Advantages of Group Term Life Insurance


Typically more affordable than individual life insurance policies.

Guaranteed Acceptance: 

Offers guaranteed acceptance, meaning coverage cannot be denied based on health.

No Medical Exams: 

Most policies do not require a medical exam.

Employer Contribution: 

In many cases, the employer covers part or all of the premiums, making it a valuable employee benefit.

Simple Policy Management: 

Allows for a straightforward process to add or remove members from the policy.

Tax Deductible Premiums: 

Premiums paid by the employer are tax-deductible under Section 37 (1) of the IT Act.

Gratuity Funding: 

GTL policies provide coverage for gratuity liability in addition to superannuation, gratuity, and loan coverage.

Disadvantages of Group Term Life Insurance

Limited Coverage: 

Typically provides lower coverage amounts compared to individual policies.

Limited Customization: 

Often lacks options for customization, making it challenging to tailor the policy to specific needs.

Loss of Coverage:

Leaving the employer or the group sponsoring the policy may result in losing coverage.

Age Limits: 

Some policies have age limits, excluding coverage for older individuals.

Restricted Customization: 

Limited flexibility in customizing the plan, with the employer determining the premium and sum assured.

Lack of Control: 

Individuals have no control over their policy, and coverage is often set by the employer.

Inability to Continue Policy: 

Covered employees cannot continue the policy if switching or leaving their current job.

Important Aspects of Group Term Life Insurance

When it comes to group term life insurance definition, these important aspects must be considered. It is important to understand the fact that many companies can provide GTL to their employees. However certain factors must be considered by all the employees. These insurance schemes, for example, offer multiple advantages, but can only be complemented by extensive individual insurance plans.

Then again, it is the employer and the insurance provider who determine all the terms and conditions related to the life insurance. Therefore, chances are that the employee has to pay additional money. 


In conclusion, GTL is a vital collective protection, offering affordable coverage to groups. Understanding its advantages, like cost-effectiveness and guaranteed acceptance, and drawbacks, such as limited customization, empowers individuals and employers alike. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

The free cover limit is the life cover amount given by the employer to employees without requiring medical tests. It is determined based on factors like the average age and group size. This benefit allows employees to get coverage hassle-free, promoting accessibility to life insurance within the group.

Typically, GTL benefits are not taxable for the beneficiary. It's important to stay updated on current tax laws to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

To enter a community term life insurance plan, you need to comply with the age requirement. The minimum age to enter into group term insurance plans is 18 years.