Disability Insurance

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 24 May, 2024 10:55 AM IST


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Most adults assume they will work until retirement but injuries or illnesses can disrupt those plans. With 1 billion people globally living with disabilities this number is rising due to chronic conditions and aging. Disability insurance provides financial protection giving portion of your income if you are unable to work.

What Is Disability Insurance?

Disability insurance provides financial support if you can't work due to physical or mental illness or injury. These can affect your ability to do part or all of your job, lasting from few weeks to up to 20 years or even until retirement with some long-term policies. Typically these policies replace 60% to 80% of your income though some can cover the full amount. Basically disability insurance safeguards your monthly income. If an illness or injury prevents you from working it ensures you receive portion of your income for a certain period. This financial security helps you provide for yourself and your dependents even if you are unable to work.

Who Needs Disability Insurance?

Disability insurance is important for anyone who relies on their job for income. It provides monetary assistance in event that you are incapable of working due to an injury or illness. If fitness instructor breaks their leg or lawyer has stroke, disability insurance provides income to cover living expenses during recovery. This prevents the need to dip into savings or accumulate debt. Since anyone can experience disability having this insurance ensures you can meet immediate financial needs and stay on track with long-term goals even if your income is disrupted. It is important to understand how disability insurance can replace lost income in such situations.

Types Of Disability Insurance

Long term Disability Insurance

  • It provides coverage for several months, years or even life if you can not work due to long term disability.
  • It pays 60% to 80% of your income but is more expensive than short term policies.

Short term Disability Insurance

  • It covers temporary injuries or illnesses, lasting from few months to two years.
  • It replaces 40% to 60% of your income and is free through employers but may not be worth buying individually.

Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI

  • It is available through Social Security Administration for those meeting strict work and medical criteria.
  • It requires earning less than $1,350/month ($2,260 if blind) and having condition preventing basic work for at least one year.

State Disability Insurance

  • Mandated by some states for non work related illnesses or injuries.
  • Offered in California, New Jersey, Hawaii, New York, Rhode Island and Puerto Rico with varying state specific requirements.

How Does Disability Insurance Policy Work?

Disability insurance is contract between you and insurance company. You pay monthly premium and in return the insurance company provides benefit if you can not work due to disability. This benefit is percentage of your lost income typically ranging from 40% to 80%.

Your policy will detail how much you need to pay each month, the amount you will receive in benefits and duration of these benefits. Depending on your chosen policy, benefits can last from few months to several years. This ensures you have financial support if an unexpected disability prevents you from working.

Eligibility Criteria For Disability Insurance.

Firstly your age matters. You need to be at least 18 years old to apply and maximum age can vary depending on policy you choose. Typically it falls somewhere between 50 and 70 years old.

Secondly you should have financial capacity to pay insurance premium. This means you need to have steady income that allows you to afford payments. In fact you should be able to comfortably manage cost of the insurance without it causing financial strain.

So, to be eligible for disability insurance you need to be of certain age range and have financial means to cover premium.

What Does Disability Insurance Cover?

Disability insurance is there to help when you can't work due to physical disability. Whether it's temporary setback or permanent change the insurance is there to help you manage your expenses and maintain your quality of life. It comes in different types:

  • Short term Disabilities: These make it impossible to work for while, so insurance gives you money every week to help cover your expenses until you can work again.
  • Partial but Permanent Disabilities: This happens when you lose part of your ability like limb or sense permanently. The insurance pays you percentage of your benefit amount depending on how severe it is.
  • Total Permanent Disability: This is when you lose function in two or more limbs or senses completely. If you can't use both hands or if you are blind and deaf. With this you get the full benefit amount.

How To Choose The Right Disability Insurance Cover?

Choosing the right disability insurance is crucial for your financial security. Here is what to consider:

  • Coverage Amount: Ensure insurance covers your living expenses, therapy costs and home/vehicle modifications. Aim for at least 25% of your life cover.
  • Types of Disabilities Covered: Look for policy that covers wide range of disabilities, balancing coverage with premium costs.
  • Terms for Classifying Disabilities: Understand the insurer's definitions of disability outlined in policy.
  • Exclusions: Review the policy for any exclusions both natural and legal to avoid surprises later.           

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a disability insurance policy that best suits your needs and provides financial protection for you and your family.

Things To Consider Before Buying Disability Insurance

Before proceeding with disability insurance, it is important to weigh your options carefully. You will encounter a variety of plans like from basic ATPD or accidental total and permanent disability coverage to more comprehensive ones.

Firstly consider how insurance can assist in your rehabilitation journey post disability. Its primary goal should be to support you in getting back on your feet.

Secondly think about how insurance will replace your lost income during your inability to work. While opting for broader coverage is ideal, it may come with higher premium. Finding balance between coverage and cost is key.
Review the policy's definition of disability closely to understand what qualifies for coverage.

Lastly remember to maintain other health insurance policies like Mediclaim and critical illness coverage. While these should continue be prepared for potential increases in premiums post-disability.

Disability Insurance Vs. Life Insurance

  • Life Insurance: Life insurance pays out to your beneficiaries if you pass away during policy term. Term life insurance covers set period while permanent life insurance lasts your entire life and builds cash value. It is usually more affordable than disability insurance but may end when term expires. 
  • Disability Insurance: Disability insurance serves as a means of replacing lost income in instances where individuals are unable to work due to illness or injury. Short term covers few months while long term can last for years. It costs around 1-3% of your income and offers generous monthly benefits. However short term policies often have limited benefit periods.


Disability insurance offers crucial financial protection by replacing a portion of your income if you are unable to work due to injury or illness. It is important for anyone reliant on their job for income, ensuring financial stability during unexpected circumstances.

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