How To Repair A Bad CIBIL Report

5paisa Research Team

Last Updated: 22 Feb, 2024 02:04 PM IST


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Your CIBIL report, also known as your credit report, is one of the most vital factors lenders consider when you appeal for a loan or credit card. A low CIBIL score indicates a poor credit history and high risk, making it difficult to get approved for new credit. If you've made some mistakes in the past that have tanked your credit score, take heart. There are steps you can take to repair and rebuild your credit over time. Read on to learn how to improve CIBIL score immediately.

How to Improve CIBIL Score Immediately?

While it takes consistent effort over time to substantially increase your CIBIL score, there are some actions you can take to get a quick boost:

Here are 10 Ways to improve cibil score:

1. Pay down revolving debt- This refers to credit card balances in particular. Try to lower your credit utilization ratio - It's about how much you owe versus your available credit - to below 30%. The lower you can get it, the better. Pay off cards with the highest balances first while making minimum payments on all other cards.

2. Pay off collection accounts- Contact any collection agencies you owe money to and pay off the accounts that have gone to collections. This removes them from your credit report and eliminates their negative impact. Even partial payments can help. Get any payoff agreements in writing.

3. Dispute any errors- Review all 3 of your credit reports closely. If you find any mistakes, like accounts that aren't yours or incorrect balances, submit written disputes to the bureaus to correct them. Inaccuracies drag down your score.

4. Become an authorized user- Ask a friend or family member with a long credit history and high score to add you as an authorised user on one of their credit cards. This associates their positive activity with your credit reports.

5. Limit hard inquiries- Each application for new credit results in a hard inquiry on your report, so avoid too many credit checks in a short period. Too many inquiries can signify credit risk to lenders. Space out applications by 6-12 months.

6. Open a new credit card- Having another open and active credit account that you responsibly manage can help build your score. Make sure to keep the balance low and pay on time each month. Get a secured card if your score is poor.

7. Pay bills on time- Set up autopay on credit cards and loans so payments are made automatically by the due date. Payment history is the biggest factor in your score. Even one 30-day late can hurt.

8. Wait for negative info to fade- Most negative credit information stays on your reports for 6-7 years maximum, although a bankruptcy can be 10. As this information ages, its impact on your score gradually decreases.

9. Sign up for credit monitoring- Use a free service like Credit Karma to monitor your credit reports and score. This lets you track your progress and address any issues quickly. Check your reports every few months.

10. Build positive history- Use one or two cards lightly but regularly. On-time payments, low balances, and keeping your accounts open all demonstrate responsible usage and build a positive history over time.

Being patient and using credit wisely will help rebuild your CIBIL score. But the actions above can provide a nice boost fast.

Importance of Cibil Score

Your CIBIL score is one of the first things lenders, credit card companies, landlords, and even utility providers look at when considering an application. Here are some key reasons your CIBIL score matters:

• Demonstrates your creditworthiness and risk level to lenders. A high score signals you are a reliable borrower.
• Impacts your ability to qualify for loans as well as credit cards. The higher your score, the more likely your application will be approved.
• Influences the interest rates you pay. Higher scores qualify you for lower interest rates, saving substantially on credit costs.
• Impacts the credit limits extended to you. A higher score qualifies you for higher borrowing amounts and credit lines.
• It can be a factor in renting an apartment. Landlords may analyse your credit before approving a lease.
• It may be considered by insurers when issuing policies. A poor score can increase insurance premiums.
• Can even impact finding a job or cellular plan. Some employers and cell providers check credit.
• Given how many areas of life your CIBIL score touches, it's crucial to maintain a healthy score. Monitoring your credit and improving it can open up financial opportunities.

How Credit Scores Are Calculated?

CIBIL scores ranges between 300 and 900, with higher being better. The exact formula used to calculate your 3-digit score is proprietary, but these major factors are known to impact it:

• Payment history (35% impact)- Whether you pay your bills on time, have any late payments, unpaid debts, or defaults. The most influential factor.
• Credit utilization ratio (30% impact)- The amount you owe compared to your total credit limits. Using over 30% of available credit hurts your score.
• Credit history length (15% impact)- How long have you had credit, measured by the age of your oldest account? A longer positive history helps your score.
• Credit mix (10% impact)- The variety of credit types you have, such as mortgages, installment loans, and credit cards. Mix demonstrates the ability to manage diverse accounts.
• New credit applications (10% impact)- If you have applied recently for a lot of new credit, this can lower your score. Numerous hard inquiries indicate credit risk.

Knowing what goes into your CIBIL calculation can help guide your efforts to improve it. Focus on making on-time payments, lowering balances, allowing history length to grow, and limiting hard inquiries.

How Long Does It Take to Rebuild a Credit Score?

It depends on certain key factors, including:

• How low your score is- The lower your starting score, the more time it will take to increase it substantially. If your score is in the low 600s, it won’t take as long as if you’re starting from the 500s or lower.
• The reasons for your low score- If you have late payments that will stay on your report for some time, it will take longer than if you just need to reduce card balances. Unpaid debts take longer to overcome.
• Your credit repair approach- The more diligent you are in addressing credit report issues, keeping card balances low, and not missing any payments, the quicker you’ll see improvement.

Generally, expect rebuilding poor credit to take at least 6 months. Here are some timelines based on where you’re starting from:

• Starting in the 500s - Could take 1-2 years to reach the mid to high 600s.
• Starting in the low 600s - It may take 6 months to reach the mid to high 600s.
• Starting in mid to high 600s - Can get 700+ within 6 months of focused effort.

Rebuilding from a very low point like the 400s up to 700+ could take 3-5 years of dedication. Even a single late payment can set you back. Progress won’t necessarily be linear, either. Improvement happens in fits and starts. The key is patience and perseverance. But the financial benefits of a restored credit score make it very worthwhile.


A low CIBIL score can feel discouraging and make accessing credit easier. However, with knowledge of how your score is calculated and some diligent effort over time, it is possible to repair your credit and rebuild your CIBIL score. Focus on addressing errors, catching up on payments, lowering balances, and establishing positive credit behaviors. 

Be patient - rebuilding takes time. But as you demonstrate responsible use of credit, you will see your important CIBIL score grow and open up financial opportunities again. Monitor your progress, stick with it, and your hard work will pay off.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Paying down high credit card balances, removing collections accounts, disputing errors on your report, and becoming an authorised user on someone else's account can quickly boost your score. Just don't apply for too much new credit all at once.

Your CIBIL score impacts your ability to get approved for loans, credit cards, insurance policies, apartments, and more. It shows lenders your credit risk level. The higher your score, the more credit opportunities you'll have.

The main factors are your payment history, total credit utilization, credit history length, credit mix, and new credit inquiries. Making on-time payments and keeping balances low are key to boosting your score.

Rebuilding from a score in the 400s or 500s up to the 700s can take between 1-5 years of dedicated effort. Paying bills on time, limiting balances, and letting negative marks age off your report will help rebuild it.