Algo Trading
Enjoy automated trading experience with our State-of-Art platform
Algo Trading Software Features
Portfolio performance analysis using NAV, Index, CAGR for a particular period or since inception.Detailed analysis using tools such as Decision Analysis and Growth.
In App short Term recommendation based on CANSLIM methodolgy
FnO calls by our inhouse expert with more than 70% success ratio
Extensive research on 4000+ companies Get the latest news and reports from analysts on 4000+ companies
FnO calls by our inhouse expert with more than 70% success ratio
FnO calls by our inhouse expert with more than 70% success ratio

Process of Algo trading
Ideate and Conceptualize your trading strategy
Define Rules, Risks and Returns
Build Strategy
Use Ready Made or Custom strategy
Strategy Testing
BackTest and LiveTest your strategy
Fine tune your strategy as per testing reports