Weekly Outlook on Natural Gas - 07 June 2024
Aluminium Price
iThe current values are delayed, open demat account for live values.
Aluminium Spot Price
Day Range
- Low 257.25
- High 258.95
Open Price |
257.45 |
Previous Close |
257.25 |
Aluminium FAQs
What is the price of Aluminium Today?
The Price of Aluminium in MCX is 258.5.
How to Trade in Aluminium?
Open Demat Account with 5Paisa to trade in Aluminium.
What is Aluminium?
Aluminium is a lightweight, corrosion-resistant metal used in various industries.
What are Aluminium and bauxite?
In the form of oxides and Aluminium silicates, Aluminium is the third most prevalent chemical element in the planet's crust. The primary ingredient used to make Aluminium is the mineral bauxite.
How are rainforests affected by obtaining Aluminium?
The huge waste product and toxic red mud from Aluminium smelting are similarly bad for the environment. The gases created during the processing of Aluminium, particularly fluoride, are dangerous to plants, wildlife, and humans who live close to the smelters and can lead to respiratory illnesses, bone damage (fluorosis), skin issues, and a variety of other health dangers.
In industrial countries, what is the rate of Aluminium usage?
In industrialised nations, metal use is still increasing. Germany tops the list per capita consumption with 31.6 kg per person, followed by the U.S. (30 kg) and Japan (26.4 kg). Transportation accounts for the highest portion of Aluminium use worldwide at 29%, followed by construction (22%), packaging (15%), energy generation (12%), mechanical engineering, and durable consumer products (9% each).
What makes Aluminium an important source of foreign exchange, and why is it a driver of development for producing countries?
Most of the time, the projects result in debt that flows for years to wealthy nations as interest payments. Contracts with the government-owned power company in Brazil were negotiated jointly by the Aluminium producers there. As a result, they pay less for electricity than it costs to produce. According to the governments, other perks entice businesses, including tax exemptions, duty-free input imports, and income tax exemption for foreign staff.