Best investment plans with high returns in 2023

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We all want to grow our wealth, and that requires investing our money wisely over a period. Investment entails putting our money into assets or ventures with the expectation of generating a positive return. All investments have two parts – risks and returns. It is the balance between risk and returns that we try to achieve best in the set time frame – short-term, medium-term, or long-term.

We look for the best investment plans with high returns for several reasons: to create wealth, to ensure appreciation in capital, to earn passive income, to plan for retirement, or to beat inflation. But zeroing in on the best investment plan with high returns can be tricky. An investor must do a lot of research, be practical about expectations, and set the right timetable before finalizing the investment plan.

What is an investment plan?

An investment plan involves formulating a strategy on how to best achieve financial goals with the least risks. The most important part of an investment plan is setting the target or goalpost. Unless we know what we want to achieve, it would be difficult to prepare a roadmap.

We all want the best investment plan with high returns, and this is possible with the right planning:

1) What is the goal of the investment? We should know from the start what we are investing for. Is it for retirement (requiring safe investment platforms)? Is it for quick returns from disposable money (high-beta stocks)? Is it to hedge investments from inflation risks (bonds, gilts, etc.)? Is it for medical treatment (fixed deposits, liquid funds)? Is it to mimic the stock market (exchange-traded funds)?

2) How much risk are we willing to take? We should consider the risks after accounting for the financial goal, our age, the amount to be invested in relation to our total assets, comfort level with volatility, and the timeline of the investment.

3) What level of expected return do we desire? The investment plan is highly dependent on the type of return we want. Do we seek very high returns (equities, high-beta stocks)? Average returns (mutual fund schemes, ETFs, index stocks, etc.)? Safe returns (bonds, gilts, liquid mutual funds, etc.)?

4) What is the timeline? We should be clear about the timeline of our investment so that we can stay disciplined. This also helps us choose the best high-return investment options according to our roadmap.

Best investment plans for 2023

All investment plans come with a certain degree of risk and the expectation of a particular return. Our job is to find out the top-performing investment plans according to our timeline.

Ten long-term and medium-term investment plans with high returns and average risk:

1) Blue-Chip Shares - Buy stocks of companies that are part of benchmark indices and are usually considered safer to invest in than their peers while giving consistent returns.

2) Index Funds - You can simulate the return given by benchmark indices by investing in mutual funds whose schemes mimic the performance of any index.

3) Gold - Prices of gold have always risen with time and always figure in high-yielding investment opportunities.

4) Real estate - It has usually been seen that real estate has yielded high returns over a long-term investment horizon.

5) Public Provident Fund - With one of the highest interest rates consistently over the past few decades, PPF has emerged as one of the most attractive investment plans.

6) ULIPS - With a mix of investment and insurance, unit-linked insurance plans that invest in equities and bonds and offer some tax advantages too have also been popular in high-return investment portfolios. But one should carefully study all the ULIPs before choosing one.

7) NPS - National Pension Scheme, or NPS, is a government-sponsored pension scheme that invests in equities and bonds and offers annuity income after retirement.

8) Fixed Deposits when interest rates are high - Currently, interest rates are the highest in the past few years, making FDs an attractive option to lock in investments.

9) National Savings Certificates - Part of many government schemes, National Savings Certificates, or NSCs, are quite popular for their high fixed returns and tax savings. Although they do have a lock-in period, the high-interest rate more than makes up for it.

10) Gilts, Bonds - Some of the bonds issued by corporates or sometimes even government bonds offer high yield if invested at the right time.

Factors to consider while choosing the best investment plan with high returns

One should carefully research and compare all the options for the best investment plan with high Return on Investment (RoI) before investing money. There are many factors to consider in this plan:

The investment platform - A person should research, consider, compare, and then only choose the investment plan that has historically matched the expectation on return and balanced the risk. The investment can be directly in equity, mutual fund schemes, or fixed returns, but it should match the financial goals of the investor.

Monitorability - An investor must be able to regularly monitor the return and other factors of the investment on a regular basis.

Stop loss - The investment platform should allow the investor to move out of the fund in case of loss crossing a particular limit.

Tax planning - An investor should always consider if the investment offers tax incentives or not, and if not, then if the return is higher than comparable schemes with such benefits.

Understanding risk and return in investment plans

Risk and return are intricately linked to any investment plan. Even sovereign bonds, considered to be the safest instruments, carry some risks. Generally, there is a trade-off between risk and return, whereby higher levels of risk are typically accompanied by the potential for higher returns, while lower levels of risk are associated with lower potential returns. It is important for investors to thoroughly assess their risk tolerance and investment objectives to find the right balance between the desire for higher returns and the ability to withstand potential losses.


Determining the best investment plans with high returns depends on individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. It is a must to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and align investment choices with the expectation of return and goals to determine the best investment plan.

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