5 Investing Lessons to Learn This Dussehra

No image Nutan Gupta Nutan Gupta 29th March 2022 - 06:14 pm
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Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evil. The ‘vadh’ or end of all that is bad and the beginning of new things is celebrated on this auspicious festival. A lot of people decorate their homes, invite relatives and friends to celebrate this joy among them. Here are 5 investing lessons one should learn from this festival.

Have a financial plan ready before attacking Lanka

After Sita's abduction by Ravana, Lord Ram didn’t act on impulse. The legend speaks of Lord Ram taking time out to plan his strategy. He had it all in mind as to where and how they would proceed to Lanka and rescue Sita. You need to do something similar when dealing with money. Earning returns on your investment is not an easy task unless you plan it well. Ensure that you have it all written down or at least have a mental framework. Take into consideration all the costs and risk while making this plan as well.

Diversify your VanarSena

Defeating Ravana wouldn’t have been possible if not for Hanuman and his vanarsena. However, it is important that you spread them out effectively so that more can be done and if calamity strikes, all is not lost. Same goes with your assets. Your assets can be your vanarsena in investment. Ensure you spread out in different funds and plans so that the impact of market fluctuations would be relatively less than when kept concentrated in one fund.

Use self-discipline to confront Rakshas

When confronted by Rakshas or demons on the way, Lord Ram didn’t let fright or panic take over. He was calm. With wisdom and self-discipline, he conquered all the obstacles on the way to rescue Sita. Similar is expected with money as well. The market can have a lot of fluctuations and present obstacles in the path to good returns. But, you need to rely on self-discipline and self-control to not act under impulse and give it time to settle down. Assess the situation with a calm mind and then decide your next step to tackle it.

Aim to kill Ravana and not just injure him

Ravana was sure about his decision of not releasing Sita even though he knew destruction was imminent. Even after constant warnings, his ego kept him from seeing who he was up against. He constantly undermined the capabilities of Lord Ram and his vanarsena. He even tried to inflict harm on them through various techniques and demons. However, Lord Ram’s vision was clear. He knew that Ravana wasn’t one who would realize his mistakes after being injured and thus, had to make a decision to kill him. So it is with money, having a goal in mind will increase the chances of achieving it. It would also help you to take tough decisions of closing the investment in a particular fund when it no longer meets your goals or needs.

Prepare of new beginnings after returning for vanvas

After defeating Ravana and rescuing Sita, Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya to start a new chapter of his life. He was the rightful heir to the throne and after 14 years, he was now ready to take it and lead the people. You need to do the same with your finances. Your money comes back with returns at the maturity of its term, it is now on you to make a new beginning. You choose to use it or reinvest it will determine your future so use it wisely.

Dussehra is indeed a time of celebration where you can celebrate the victory of the good. Using these investment tips, let your money win against all the odds of the market and may you earn good profits this festive season. Wishing everyone a very happy Dussehra.

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