The biggest & most prominent stock market in India is NSE (National Stock market). It has a market valuation of around more than US$ 3.4 trillion. All year round, NSE operates efficient & seamless trading facilities. On weekdays, it is open for trading from 9.15 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. (regular session), providing 6 hour & 15-minute trading sessions. On Saturdays & Sundays, NSE trade holidays are observed. (+)

List of NSE Holidays 2025

List of Holidays falling on Saturday / Sunday

*Note: The market will be closed for both the sessions on the holidays falling on Saturday/Sunday. 

NSE Trading Schedule


Pre-open Timings to Trade Equities on NSE

The pre-open session is between 9:00 and 9:15 am, for 15 minutes. Both the order gathering and order matching phases make up the pre-open session. The applicable price range must mirror that of the normal market.

Regular Trading Timings to Trade Equities on NSE

The regular trading timings are from 9:15 am to 3:30 pm. The NSE does not pause for lunch, and the daily trading session length is 6 hours and 15 minutes. Neither pre-market nor after-hours trading is available. 

Block Deal Session Timings-NSE

  • Session I- The first session of the block deal window takes place between 8:45 am to 9:00 am. 
  • Session II- The second session of the block deal window takes place between 02:05 pm to 02:20 pm. 


The NSE holds daily trading sessions in 2025 from 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) remains closed on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) and designated national holidays. Trading is open from Monday to Friday during regular market hours.

A settlement holiday is a designated day on which banks and stock exchanges, among other financial institutions, stop the settlement of financial transactions.

Clearing holidays are days when no stocks or commodities are cleared. These holidays are not the same as the trading holidays. The NSE releases a different list of the clearing holidays each year.

Yes, the stock market will be open on New Year i.e. on 1st January 2025.

The last share market holiday will be on 25th December 2025 on account of Christmas.

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